Criminal Defense Law FirmAccording to police reports more than $100,000 may have been wagered on pee wee football games in Deerfield Beach in South Florida. Investigations began when ESPN correspondents brought footage to the police station showing parents exchanging money openly in stands above the game. The investigation, which took 18 months to complete, revealed a intricate network of gambling within the small community.

Alleged ringleader Brandon Bivins, affectionately known as “Coach B”, was arrested for felony bookmaking and keeping a gambling house. 8 others were charged with similar offenses. According to a court affidavit Coach B ran a fake barber shop complete with cutting stations that housed a disguised passageway to a hidden gambling room. Here bets were made on professional, college level and youth games. Authorities seized over $40,000 from safes in the unused barber shop and $20,000 in cash from Bivin’s home.

The investigation highlights the lax background checks of the coaches, of whom investigations revealed six had an extensive criminal history. Local authorities are condemning the parents and coaches involved, dismissing them as being greedy criminals. Authorities are worried that betting on games could easily escalate in to violence. Lieutenant Frank Ballante of the Florida police gave warning to those betting on games, saying that it could result in, “a human being being shot over a football game and it’s not because their team lost a game or their kid didn’t score the touchdown it’s because they lost $40,000 on that play.”

Bivins was coach and president for the wildly successful Fort Lauderdale Hurricanes. At this time there is no evidence coaches manipulated the outcome of the game to alter scoring. Players did not appear to be aware of the bets.

Criminal defense law firm PhoenixHave you been involved in a youth sports gambling ring? If so, you are likely to suffer serious criminal penalties for exploiting children for financial gain. Howard Snader is a Phoenix criminal defense lawyer at The Law Offices of Howard A. Snader, LLC who has successfully defended those arrested for illegal gambling activity and will work tirelessly to ensure that your reputation as a great role model is untarnished. Whether you are a respected coach, a loving parent or a spectator, Mr. Snader will mount an aggressive defense to keep you out of jail.